The Strategic Imperative for U.S. Support of Abiy Ahmed Ali’s Reforms in Ethiopia: A Comprehensive Analysis


As the United States anticipates a new presidential administration, the strategic imperative to fully support Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali's reforms is evident. Ethiopia, under Abiy Ahmed's leadership, is at a critical juncture. Its stability and development are vital not only for the region but also for broader international interests, including those of the United States.

Meanwhile, the Prosperity Party (PP) is poised to win the 2025 Ethiopian National Election due to the lack of strong opposition. The fragmented nature of opposition parties, their internal issues, and the restricted political space they operate in weakens their effectiveness. The PP's control over state resources and the electoral process further strengthens its position. The historical fragmentation and organizational weaknesses of opposition parties, coupled with Ethiopia's ethnic federalism and electoral integrity issues, have hindered the development of credible alternatives. The absence of viable political alternatives significantly impacts the electoral prospects of the Prosperity Party in Ethiopia. Thus, Abiy Ahmed Ali's PP is poised to win the election and continue the promising reform, a scenario that underscores the need for robust US support.

I will argue that robust US support for Abiy Ahmed's reforms is not just essential but also a matter of caution. Without this support, there is a risk of not advancing American foreign policy objectives, not enhancing regional stability, not countering the growing influence of China and Russia, and not aligning with both domestic political priorities and international strategic interests. By examining Ethiopia's geopolitical significance, economic reform agenda, and broader implications for US strategy, this analysis underscores the potential risks of not engaging with Abiy Ahmed's reform initiatives.

Ethiopia's Geopolitical Significance in the Horn of Africa

Ethiopia's geopolitical and strategic importance in the Horn of Africa is profound. The Horn of Africa, comprising Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and Sudan, is a region of significant geopolitical and economic interest. Ethiopia, as the largest and most populous country in this region, not only plays a crucial role in shaping regional stability but also significantly influences economic dynamics.

Geopolitical Significance and Regional Security

Ethiopia's strategic position at the heart of the Horn of Africa places it at the intersection of critical security and economic corridors. The country's stability is vital for the broader regional security architecture, which internal conflicts and external pressures have historically challenged [1] [2] [3] [4]. Ethiopia's influence on neighboring states such as Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, and Somalia underscore its importance. For example, Ethiopia's internal strife, such as the Tigray conflict, has had direct spillover effects on neighboring countries, highlighting the interdependence of regional stability [5] [6].

Supporting Abiy Ahmed's reforms is crucial for stabilizing Ethiopia and, by extension, the Horn of Africa. Abiy Ahmed's efforts to end the protracted conflict with Eritrea and address domestic ethnic tensions are pivotal for fostering a more stable and secure regional environment [7]. Such stability aligns with US interests in preventing the proliferation of conflict and extremist activities, which could destabilize the broader region and undermine US security interests [8].

Regional Security and US Strategic Interests

The United States has strategic interests in maintaining stability in the Horn of Africa, particularly given the presence of US military installations and counterterrorism operations in the region. The Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) operates with a mandate to conduct counterterrorism missions and support humanitarian efforts [9]. Ethiopia's role as a key partner in these operations is invaluable, as it provides a stable base for US military and counterterrorism activities.

Abiy Ahmed's leadership has been instrumental in contributing to regional security. His administration's peace agreement with Eritrea significantly reduced regional tensions and created a more secure environment for US operations [10]. The peace accord, which won Abiy Ahmed the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, also marked a turning point in regional dynamics, reducing the likelihood of armed conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea and enhancing overall stability in the Horn of Africa [11]. By supporting these reforms, the US enhances its strategic position in the Horn of Africa and ensures the continuity of a stable operational environment for its military and counterterrorism missions [12].

Economic Reforms and Regional Influence

The economic reforms implemented under Abiy Ahmed's leadership represent a transformative shift in Ethiopia's economic landscape. These reforms have profound implications not only for Ethiopia's economic development but also for its influence within the East African region.

Economic Liberalization and Growth

Abiy Ahmed has pursued a series of ambitious economic reforms aimed at modernizing Ethiopia's economy and promoting private sector growth. Key initiatives include the partial privatization of state-owned enterprises and the liberalization of the telecommunications sector, which had long been under state control [13]. These reforms are designed to attract foreign investment, stimulate economic growth, and reduce the state's role in the economy, fostering a more market-oriented approach [14] [15].

Empirical evidence supports the positive impact of these reforms. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ethiopia experienced a significant increase in foreign direct investment (FDI), with a 6.5% rise in FDI inflows reported in 2023 as a direct result of these reforms [16]. Ethiopia saw a notable increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2023. The country attracted $3.3 billion in FDI, making it the leading destination for FDI in East Africa [17]. This influx of investment is crucial for Ethiopia's economic development, providing opportunities for enhanced economic engagement with the United States and other international partners [18] [19].

Regional Economic Integration

Abiy Ahmed's economic reforms are also expected to enhance Ethiopia's role in regional economic integration within East Africa. The African Development Bank (ADB) projects that Ethiopia's liberalization efforts could lead to a 10% increase in regional trade within the East African Community (EAC) by 2025 [20]. This increased economic connectivity benefits Ethiopia and creates new opportunities for US businesses seeking to engage in the East African market [21]. Ethiopia's participation in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) further aligns with US goals of promoting regional economic integration and reducing trade barriers. The AfCFTA, which aims to create a single market for goods and services across Africa, has the potential to boost intra-African trade by over 50% by 2030 [22]. By supporting Abiy Ahmed's reforms, the US can leverage Ethiopia's growing economic influence to enhance trade relations and strengthen economic partnerships in East Africa [23]. This strategic alignment is crucial for ensuring that US economic interests are well-represented in a rapidly evolving regional economic landscape.

Countering the Influence of China and Russia

The expanding influence of China and Russia in Africa poses significant challenges to US strategic interests. Both countries have increased their presence in the Horn of Africa through economic investments, military partnerships, and diplomatic engagement. A strategic partnership with Ethiopia under Abiy Ahmed's leadership provides an opportunity for the US to counterbalance these influences.

China's Belt and Road Initiative

China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has led to substantial investments in African infrastructure, including in Ethiopia. Projects such as the Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway, financed by Chinese loans, have significantly enhanced Ethiopia's infrastructure but also raise concerns about debt sustainability and economic dependency [24]. The IMF has warned that Ethiopia's debt levels, exacerbated by heavy borrowing from China, pose a risk to the country's economic stability [25].

Supporting Abiy Ahmed's economic reforms allows the US to promote an alternative development model that emphasizes economic transparency, diversification, and sustainability. By reinforcing Ethiopia's economic reforms, the US can provide a counter-narrative to the debt-driven model often associated with Chinese investment. This support is essential for fostering a competitive and equitable economic environment in Ethiopia and the broader Horn of Africa [26] [27] [28].

Russia's Expanding Influence

Russia has been actively expanding its influence in Africa through military support, diplomatic engagement, and resource extraction agreements. In Ethiopia, Russia's involvement includes military assistance and strategic partnerships aligning with its broader regional objectives [29] . Ethiopia's acquisition of Russian military equipment, including air defense systems, reflects the deepening ties between the two countries, which could shift the balance of power in the region [30].

By supporting Abiy Ahmed's democratic and economic reforms, the US can help Ethiopia strengthen its governance and economic policies, countering the appeal of Russia's autocratic model. This support is crucial for ensuring that Ethiopia remains aligned with democratic values ​​and US strategic interests, providing a counterbalance to Russia's expanding influence in the region [31] [32] [33] [34].

Regional Security and Stability

Abiy Ahmed's administration has made significant progress in addressing internal conflicts and fostering regional stability. His reform agenda is critical for enhancing Ethiopia's role as a stabilizing force in the Horn of Africa.

Peace Initiatives and Conflict Resolution

One of Abiy Ahmed's most notable achievements is the peace agreement with Eritrea, which has significantly reduced regional tensions and opened new avenues for cooperation [35]. This agreement has led to a substantial decrease in border conflicts and has facilitated greater regional cooperation. The reduction in regional tensions has also contributed to a more secure environment for US strategic interests and regional stability [36]. Supporting these peace initiatives aligns with US objectives of promoting regional stability and preventing the spread of conflict. Abiy Ahmed's success in negotiating peace with Eritrea serves as a model for conflict resolution in other parts of Africa, demonstrating the potential for diplomatic engagement and peaceful negotiation in resolving longstanding disputes [37].

Counterterrorism and Security Cooperation

Ethiopia's role as a key partner in US counterterrorism efforts is vital for maintaining security in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia has been instrumental in combating extremist groups such as al-Shabaab, providing military and intelligence support to US operations in the region [38]. Abiy Ahmed's reforms, particularly in the security sector, have strengthened Ethiopia's capacity to contribute to these efforts, enhancing the overall effectiveness of US counterterrorism operations.

By supporting Abiy Ahmed's security reforms, the US ensures the continuity of this critical partnership. Enhanced security cooperation with Ethiopia not only bolsters regional stability but also strengthens US influence in the Horn of Africa, ensuring that American strategic interests are protected [39].

Domestic Political Considerations in the US and Ethiopia

Supporting Abiy Ahmed's reforms aligns with domestic political considerations in both the United States and Ethiopia. For the US, this support reinforces broader foreign policy objectives and appeals to key constituencies, while in Ethiopia, it strengthens the legitimacy and effectiveness of Abiy Ahmed's government.

Bipartisan Support for Africa Policy

US foreign policy in Africa has historically enjoyed bipartisan support, particularly when it aligns with broader goals of promoting democracy, human rights, and economic development [40] [41]. Supporting Abiy Ahmed's reforms allows the US to continue this tradition and demonstrate a commitment to African development, which resonates with both liberal and conservative voters.

In the context of growing concerns about China and Russia's influence in Africa, a robust US policy that supports Ethiopia's reforms can help counter criticisms of neglecting African issues and reinforce the US role as a global leader. This approach is particularly relevant in the lead-up to US presidential elections, where foreign policy and national security issues are likely to be key areas of debate [42].

Domestic Stability and Governance in Ethiopia

For Abiy Ahmed, US support is crucial for bolstering the legitimacy of his reform agenda and ensuring its successful implementation. Ethiopia's challenges, including ethnic tensions and economic disparities, require sustained international support to achieve meaningful progress. US backing provides Abiy Ahmed with the necessary resources and diplomatic leverage to address these challenges and consolidate his reforms [43].

Furthermore, US support for Ethiopia's reforms sends a strong message of commitment to democratic governance and economic development, which is crucial for maintaining stability in Ethiopia. By aligning with these reforms, the US can help foster a more stable and prosperous Ethiopia, supporting broader regional security and aligning with US strategic interests.

Countering BRICS and Maintaining US Influence

The emergence of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) as a counterbalance to Western influence in global affairs presents a significant challenge to US strategic interests. Ethiopia's engagement with BRICS countries, particularly China and Russia, underscores the need for the US to strengthen its ties with Ethiopia.

BRICS and Alternative Global Governance

BRICS nations have increasingly positioned themselves as an alternative to Western-dominated global governance structures. Ethiopia's growing economic and diplomatic ties with China and Russia, both BRICS members, highlight the potential shift in Ethiopia's foreign policy orientation [44] . Ethiopia's inclusion in the BRICS+ framework could further align it with BRICS' strategic objectives, challenging US influence in the region [45].

Supporting Abiy Ahmed's reforms is crucial for reinforcing US influence in Ethiopia and preventing a drift towards the BRICS bloc. By offering economic assistance, diplomatic support, and security cooperation, the US can strengthen its ties with Ethiopia and counterbalance the influence of BRICS nations [46] [47]. This approach is essential for maintaining US influence in global governance and ensuring that Ethiopia remains aligned with US-led international norms and values.

Promoting Democratic Governance

Democratic governance is a cornerstone of US foreign policy, particularly in countering the influence of authoritarian regimes within the BRICS bloc. Abiy Ahmed's reforms, which include efforts to strengthen democratic institutions and promote political pluralism, align with US objectives of promoting democracy and good governance [48].

Supporting these reforms is essential for demonstrating the viability of democratic governance in Ethiopia, particularly in contrast to the authoritarian models promoted by China and Russia. The success of these reforms can serve as a beacon for other countries in the region, encouraging democratic transitions and reinforcing US influence in Africa [49].


The necessity for the next American President to fully support Abiy Ahmed Ali's reforms in Ethiopia is underlined by a complex interplay of strategic, economic, and political considerations. Aby Ahmed Ali's Prosperity party is poised to win the 2025 election, ensuring his leadership for another five-year term. Abiy Ahmed's leadership and reform represent a critical opportunity for the United States to align its foreign policy objectives with regional stability and economic growth and counter global adversaries. Empirical evidence demonstrates that Abiy Ahmed's reforms have significantly improved Ethiopia's stability, economic development, and regional influence. These reforms also align with broader US strategic interests, including countering the growing influence of China and Russia, promoting regional security, and fostering economic integration. Furthermore, supporting Ethiopia's reform agenda allows the US to maintain its influence in Africa and counter the rising prominence of BRICS. At the domestic level, supporting Abiy Ahmed's reforms aligns with US political priorities and offers strategic communication and public diplomacy opportunities. By supporting these reforms, the US can advance its strategic interests, foster regional stability, and promote a stable and prosperous Horn of Africa.

Thus, the next American President must recognize the critical importance of supporting Abiy Ahmed's reform agenda. This support is essential not only for advancing US interests in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa but also for reinforcing the United States' role as a global leader in promoting democracy, economic development, and regional stability.


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